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Kalie Clark


Contact Me


About me

Everlasting Colour Promo


Recruitment Marketing

Demo Videos

Social Media

May ​Promo



Physicians Resource Network

Website ​Design

For Fun

About me

I am an aspiring digital marketer, having supported ​various projects at Enliten Salon. I recently graduated ​from the College of Charleston, and throughout my ​four years in college, I took marketing classes that ​educated me on digital and social media marketing. I ​completed two marketing projects that gave me ​hands-on experience in marketing a business.

I have recently been working with Physicians Resource ​Network, as well as Detail Property Services to ​promote their businesses by creating flyers and ​building a website.



College of Charleston, 2019-2022

B.S. in Business Administration


  • Microsoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint
  • Familiar with CRM systems
  • SEMRush - conducting competitive analyses and keyword research
  • Tableau
  • Canva

Relevant Coursework

  • Digital and Social Media Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Information Management Systems
  • Events Management
  • Management and Organizational Behavior
  • Service Operations Management

Recruitment marketing

I made flyers and put them up in the salon as well as sending them out to the local cosmetology school.

I made posts for Instagram and Facebook to recruit a new team member.

Demo videos

Promoting new Killer Curls Products

Showcasing a Before & After of Highlights & Cut

Promoting new Blow Dry Products


Everlasting Colour Promotion

May Promotions

Killer Curls Promotion

Everlasting colour promo

I made flyers to put on the front table along with the product to give information on the promotion as well as showcase the benefits of the product.

May promos

I made flyers to put up in the salon next to the products that were being promoted.

I made posts for Instagram and Facebook to increase sales.


I made a brochure for local cosmetology students to follow as they tour the hair salon.



I wrote a blog post for a Yacht company on Hilton Head Island to promote yacht rentals for the July 4th weekend.

social media marketing


I posted on Facebook to showcase the stylists' work, as well as promote products to increase sales.

Facebook posts continued...

Facebook posts continued...

Physicians resource network

I made flyers for a company that provides Physicians with group purchasing options for vaccines.

business cards

I designed business cards for Physicians Resource Network.

Website mockup

I designed and built a website for Detail Property Services, a construction and remodeling company on Hilton Head Island.

Website mockup & Logo

I designed a logo and built a website for Evergreen Natural Cleaning Services, a carpet and tile/grout cleaning company on Hilton Head Island.

Just for fun